Elena A. Sharonova1, Alexandr M. Sharonov2, Tatiana N. Belyaeva3,
Olga I. Naldeeva4, Olga I. Biryukova5, Elena A. Zhindeeva6
and Irina V. Trubyanova7*

1 Prof., N. P. Ogarev Mordovia State University, Russia,
2 Prof., State Public Institution of the Republic of Mordovia «Scientific Center of Social and Economic Monitoring», Russia,
3 Asst. Prof., Mari State University, Russia,
4 Prof., M. E. Evsevyev Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute, Russia,
5  Prof., M. E. Evsevyev Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute, Russia,
6 Prof., M. E. Evsevyev Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute, Russia,
7 Asst. Prof., Mari State University, Russia,
*Corresponding author


Mordovian (Erzya and Moksha) epic poetry is analyzed in this article. It is devoted to a theme of inter-ethnic relations. It explores the particular qualities and dynamics of national consciousness of Russian-Mordovian contacts. On the basis of a comparison with Russian folklore texts, the specific of the image of the Russian Tsar is shown in the Tushtyan epic and in the plots about the capture of Kazan.
In the songs about Tushtyan which have arisen approximately in the 10-11th centuries and covering all history of the Mordovian people, the Russian tsar is the main reason of destroy of the Erzya civilization. When Tushtyan has learned about approach of Russians, he has refused to fight against the Russian tsar and, being guided by the foresight of the Supreme pagan god, has taken away the nation beyond the sea to save from possible extermination.
The Tushtyan epic estimates the fact of joining the Mordovian lands to the Russian state negatively though in the Erzya folklore of the Volga region there are motives of voluntary submission of the people to the reign of the Russian tsar.
In the 16th century, during an era of active existing of epic forms of folklore and the formation of the genre of the historical song, the plots about capture of Kazan are actualized in collective art consciousness of the people. Historical events and persons become subject of the image.
The Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible is the main character In the Russian epic songs about the capture of Kazan. He is perceived in whole as the positive, folk hero. Primary focus is on the national confrontation between the Russians and the Tatars. In the Erzya song «Samanka» the leading role belongs to the Erzya girl Samanke, who has ordinary appearance, but great intelligence; an extraordinary bravery. She criticizes the Russian tsar, doubts his military talent, declares determination to conquer Kazan in three hours.
Erzya's song places the emphasis on the moral side of the heroin's act. We observe in her not a national confrontation, but a duel of like-minded person (the Russian tsar and the Erzya). They are driven by one purpose. The birth of the community of the people becomes the result of a duel. In the song «Samanka» Erzya imagines itself as an integral part of the Russian state and for this reason renders the effective help to Ivan the Terrible in his battle to conquer Kazan.
In the article the attention is intended to the similarity of the basic motive of Russian and Erzya songs. It is the capture of Kazan due to the explosion of barrels with gunpowder. It is noted that it is a reflection of the historical fact, which is known by both: the Russians and the Erzya.
The Russian epic song indicates to the some cruelty of Ivan the Terrible and creates adequate images of his opponents.
Following the logic of objective truth, the creators of the song represent defenders of Kazan as brave persons. They boldly enter into a dispute with the Russian tsar, laugh at him and his desire to take the city.
The community of historical fate of the Russian and Erzya, conditions of their life, which has formed in the 15-17th centuries, were expressed in the community of their song plots.
The same cares, the general holidays, mixed marriages generated not only interaction of cultures, but also contributed to the birth of a new unique ethnic culture.

Keywords: Folkloristics, the Mordovian folklore, the Russian folklore, epic poetry, Russian-Mordovian inter-ethnic relations, the Tushtyan epic, the plots about capture of Kazan.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2018- 5th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 5-7 February 2018- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-2-3