Komarova Valentina 1, Pastukhova Nadezhda 2 and Bartsits Anri 3
1 Prof. Ms., Russia,   
2 Prof. Ms., Russia,
3 Mr., Russia,


Among the factors affecting the political structure of the world, development of international relations, are globalization, increasing interdependence, formation of a planetary economic organism in the first place. Among the variety of modern trends, it is possible to allocate two most significant:
• Development of globalization and global processes;
• Increase of various subjects on the world stage and their sovereignty.
Both trends are interrelated and interdependent; however, they have their own nature and act relatively independently. Other trends should be considered as largely derived from these two.
The phenomenon of globalization has become one of the most popular subject of researches in recent years. It attracts the increased public interest but existing views are rather diverse. There are many definitions of globalization, different approaches to the understanding of its aspects and spheres, as well as the problem of assessments, as globalization is universal and integral trend of world development.
At the same time the negative consequences of globalization include widening inequality when obtained benefits and opportunities are concentrated in a relatively small number of countries and are spread unevenly within those countries, the consequent growing of vulnerability and marginalization of many countries, the serious and even grave consequences for the earth civilization, increased threats to the integrity of ethnic cultures and challenges to the sovereignty of States.
The contradiction lies in the fact that the modern international system, created the conditions for development of the globalization process, under its influence, gradually became out of date, and formed the postwar institutions of the international community turned out to be not ready to function effectively in a global world.
The state and territory are inextricably related categories, historically formed in close connection with each other.
The erosion of state borders represents perhaps the essence of the modern stage of globalization to the maximum extent.
Under conditions of globalization, simultaneously with the authority issue, there are other overarching problems. One of the categories and at the same time a new concept, reflecting and comprehending this general trend of development is management.
In contrast to the situation after Peace of Westphalia in 1648, sovereignty of the democratic constitutional states is restricted by internal and external factors, as well as international legal norms.
Recently there are suggestions about necessity to revise a number of international legal norms and principles, primarily the UN Charter, where principle of non-intervention "in domestic jurisdiction of any state is proclaimed.

Keywords: public sovereignty, state, law, globalization.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2018- 5th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 5-7 February 2018- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-2-3