Anna Triningsih1, Oly Viana Agustine2

1Ms., Researcher at Constitutional Court of Indonesia, INDONESIA,

2Ms., Researcher at Constitutional Court of Indonesia, INDONESIA,



Pancasila is a fundamental ideology of Indonesia that accommodates the main goal of Indonesian Constitution. Pancasila comprises of five basic norms which are divinity, humanity, unity, democracy, and social justice. These five fundamental norms act as a guidance for Indonesian citizens both in their national and constitutional life. This guidance helps them to cope with internal and external disturbances especially in this modern era. Pancasila basically introduces the constitutional values; therefore, it is imperative for Indonesian citizens to apply the spirit of Pancasila in their daily life by implementing the values since the beginning of childhood education. This approach might increase the constitutional awareness that is absolutely needed in the development of Indonesia. Pancasila is implemented in school class as a core or formal curriculum especially in the primary, secondary and elementary stage. This is started by introducing the Pancasila’s norms such as the value of the believing in God, the value of humanity by respecting the teachers and loving the friends, the value of unity by simulating a group learning, the value of democracy by practicing the election of class leader, and the value of social justice by conducting several social activities such as charity events, and “gotong-royong” which is an old Indonesian tradition in cleaning up the neighbourhood participated by all inhabitants. Moreover, the Pancasila lesson is able to be delivered to the children through non-formal classes, for instance by conducting seminars, group discussions, training, and workshops. This method has been being conducted by Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (Constitutional Court of Republic of Indonesia) as an “ideology guard” in this country in order to stimulate the constitutional awareness within citizens. These efforts were conducted through cross partnerships such as with Youth Organisations, Traditional Law Communities, Politic Parties, Army and Police Department, Nusantara Kingdoms Organisation, and the Association of Pancasila and Country Defence Teachers. The main aim of this study is how to settle the Pancasila in improving constitutional awarenessby implementing itas an integrated curriculum in the formal and non-formal early childhood education.This has been a challenge for the Constitutional Court of Republic of Indonesia in preparing Indonesian citizens facing the future era. The non-formal education itself is believed as a part of the citizen development efforts through guiding, educating, and training. In this case, these efforts should be designed in sustainable communications between the trainer and the students either in or out of the class room. The scope, goal and benefits of the non-formal classes are subjected for the individual, community and the nation completely and globally. The outcome of the proposed learning method is believed to have a dynamic strength that can improve the national ability, national characteristic, and national performance in the international relationship.

Keywords: Constitutional Awareness, Education, Pancasila



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2018- 5th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 5-7 February 2018- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-2-3