Alsu Khakimzyanova1*, Ramziya Gubaidullina2 and Asiya Ilyasova3
1Ms. Kazan Federal University, Russia, alsou80@yandex.ru
2Ms. Kazan Federal University, Russia, ramzia.gubaidi@gmail.com
3Ms. Kazan Federal University, Russia, ilasya@mail.ru
*Corresponding author


The urgency of the problem under investigation is explained by the students’ insufficient level of the formed skills in business English, the need for more intense study of this issue and creation of optimized methods of teaching business English, which could be used in training students of economics. The purpose of this article is to comprehensively justify creation of a theoretically proved, experimentally verified and relying on modern linguistic research on the method of teaching business English with the use of electronic resources. The leading method of the research is the experiment that was carried out with students of the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of Kazan Federal University. The main result of the study was testing of the developed method of teaching business English, which promotes the development of creative initiative, increases motivation of future experts in the field of economics to learn foreign languages. The revealed dynamics of the process of knowledge acquisition demonstrates effectiveness of the introduction of electronic resources in teaching business English to students of economic faculties.  Electronic resources may be used to form skills and any kind of speech activity at any stage of training, based on different forms of work (extracurricular and classroom, individual, pair, group, in the presence of a teacher, and without him or her); for all levels of education (from basic to advanced); in the framework of different approaches to learning. In modern conditions it is necessary to use new electronic technologies for the rapid exchange of relevant information in various areas of professional economic community. As practice shows, students-economists have developed logical thinking, which allows them to solve logical problems quite easily, to carry out tasks and exercises that involve various logical components; they are able to independently infer rules on the basis of the studied material and to identify exceptions. In addition, these students easily master the technique of work with electronic resources and multimedia programs. It can be explained by the fact that in the program of preparation of experts of an economic profile much attention is paid to the subjects of natural-mathematical cycle, as well as to computer training. Thus, the formed skills can be effectively engaged in learning business English, to which end the use of electronic resources seems logical. Obviously, teaching business English with the support of electronic resources will be more efficient and effective, as it is evidenced by the results of our study. The materials of the article may be useful for teaching business English in training programs for specialists in economics.

Keywords: e-learning, business English, economics, student, learning, teaching, education.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2018- 5th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 5-7 February 2018- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-2-3