1Komarova Valentina, 2Varlen Maria and 3Sadovnikova Galina 
1 Prof. Ms., Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Russia,
2 Prof. Ms., Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Russia,
3 Prof. Ms., Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Russia,


The relevance of the topic due to the fact that questions of legal formalization of the fundamental legal values of freedom, equality and justice in the constitutional regulation are becoming increasingly important in the modern legal reality of Russia.
The legislator has been working on the consolidation of the forms of identification and a combination of personal, collective and public interests, providing the principle of social justice. This is because the goal of law is to balance interests in society and to find a compromise between them.
The purpose of this article is to identify new forms of public representation and updating of state tasks, established forms of work.
Traditionally forms of the representative bodies work have passed a long way from the formation of the Soviet state-building to the modern democratic stage of the Russian statehood.
The authors set themselves the analysis of existing normative legal acts at the Federal level, regions level and local authorities; doctrinal approaches to the formation of a new system of representation of interests with the participation of civil society institutions as a task of the research.
The formulation of this task has required monitoring of the enforcement practices of the Federal public authorities, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government. The identified problems were required to classify them in a systematic and structural developing options in order to find ways for overcoming them.
The authors used the methods of comparative jurisprudence, analytical, formal logical methods, generalization and legal modeling to accomplish the problems of the study. Such work allowed to draw the following conclusions.
It is necessary to include the civil society institutions such as the public chamber, the municipal councils, youth parliaments, public associations and some others in the system of representation of public interests.
It seems appropriate amendments to existing legislation, enshrining the status of representative bodies to increase the activities of representative bodies in identifying and considering public interests and needs that arise in the development process of the state and society, scientific-technical progress, globalization.
The contents of such changes must be in extension methods feedback and interaction, the widespread use of electronic forms of communication.

Keywords: public power, society, state


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2018- 5th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 5-7 February 2018- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-2-3