Ruwaida Zafira1, Ganes Gunansyah2
1Tsukuba University, Indonesia, zafira.miftachul@gmail.com
2Universitas Negeri Surabaya, ganesgunansyah@unesa.ac.id


Pedagogical competence is the ability to teach the students in the entire learning process. This competence could be seen from three main things that are how the teacher planning, managing and assessing the learning process. Different personality and ability among the students require teacher capable fulfilling all students' needs through inclusive setting. This is prominent since inclusive setting become an education standard in all region in Indonesia. Both academic and nonacademic skills of the SEN students should be met in order to align it with the aim of inclusive education that is the education for all. 
The purpose of this research is to know the teacher’s pedagogical competence for SEN students in the inclusive elementary school of Klampis Ngasem 1 Surabaya. This research used a qualitative approach with a descriptive method which describes ten indicators of pedagogical competence of the teachers dealing with the SEN students in every inclusive class at Klampis Ngasem elementary school 1 Surabaya. The researcher used three types of qualitative research; study of documentation or text, observation, and the interview. Data analysis used is the data reduction, data display, and conclusion.
The result showed that the teacher who had a primary education background and teaching experience met the indicators of teacher’s pedagogical competence. Evidenced by nine out of ten indicators met in the category one ( 1 ) which consist of the teacher with a primary education background and teacher with teaching experience for 21 years. For category two (2) which consist of the teacher who graduated from non-primary education background (physical education, special need, and/ management of education program). Only four out of ten indicators were fulfilled for this category. This research also proves the theory which states the competence of professional teacher is based on the teacher’s skill, teaching experience, and the teacher’s educational background. These three aspects hold an important role in forming the teacher’s pedagogical competence.

: pedagogical competence, inclusive education, SEN student


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2018- 5th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 5-7 February 2018- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-2-3