Alfred Lela

PhD Candidate, European University of Tirana-Albania.




In Albania, the use of the term ‘new media’ is novel. Actually, the adjective ‘new’ is not very much liked and instead the term ‘online’ is often used. This, of course, has to do with the fact that internet penetration in Albania occurred relatively late, but also with the slow satiation with information through traditional means and communication channels, such as television, newspapers, and radio. The media landscape changed when additional internet providers entered the market, including the mobile telephone companies and the 4G network.

This article is not concerned with internet penetration in Albania, or defining ‘new media’ and ‘online media’, but rather to address the question is ‘new media’ new? Does it offer only a new communication platform, an additional instrument, more efficient, faster and more tangible, and just that, or is there a new communication quality, a different narrative and, maybe, there is a possibility of change?

A case study of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha can be used to show that communication has not changed in essence, but only in form.  Mr. Berisha now delivers most of his political speeches through a new media: his official Facebook page.

Keywords: new media, traditional media, Facebook, communication, context


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2016- 3rd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 23-25 May 2016- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-7-8