Sibel Ediş

Res. Asst., Gazi University, TURKEY, eds.sibel@gmail.com



The flipped classroom, introduced by Bergmann and Sams in 2012, is an innovative pedagogical approach that focuses on learner-centred instruction. In this model, students watch lectures online outside of class and do activities and homework in class. In other words, flipped model provide an opportunity for students to gain first exposure to new subject outside of class via internet prior to lesson. Flipped classroom helps students to switch from passive to active lecturing mode. Also, it enables to learners control of their individual learning.  The purpose of this study is to investigate whether flipped class model has effects on students’ learner autonomy or not. This study aims at providing student-centered instruction environment, and enhancing autonomous learning, being aware of students’ own learning ability. This study comprises of two groups, experimental and control groups. They are students on 10th grade in a state high school. The experimental group receives a specific treatment and they experienced flipped classroom model; the control group receives no treatment and they continued traditional lecture-based instruction. The researcher has recorded a series of video lectures about grammar lesson and uploaded these videos on a YouTube Channel called Flip Education. Then, the experimental group watches day of lecture video in advance of class. The researcher tries to control whether students watch the day of lecture video by reviving the subject in the classroom. Before application start, the researcher applied a Learner Autonomy Questionnaire (developed by Zhang and Li (2004) to student in order to determine their learner autonomy; and after treatment finish, the researcher applies the same questionnaire in order to see if there is a change.  The results are analyzed by the researcher with the help of t-test and descriptive statistics.


Keywords: Flipped Learning, Learner Autonomy, Student-Centered Instruction, Technology, Video-lecture


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2016- 3rd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 23-25 May 2016- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-7-8