Sevil Yildiz

*Assoc.Prof. Dr. Selcuk University, Communication Faculty, TURKEY



Media, which has big effect at the formation of the culture at the societies having democratic management system, is qualified as the fourth power after legislation, executive and jurisdiction.  Audiovisual media, when their functions are taken into account in addition to their political effects, is accepted as the most effective tool of the mass media. For the audiovisual media, wide spreading and becoming an integral part of society life in process of time, to perform its functions in a healthy way, the regulation and control of this field have become a state of important necessity.

In Turkish Law Radio and Television Supreme Council, performing the control of audiovisual media, is an independent administrative authority. RTSC has become a constitutional institution with the inclusion of an additional paragraph inserted into article 133 of the Constitution by means of the Law no 5370. Authorized by the Law no 6112 on the Establishment and Broadcasting of Radio and Television Companies to release the broadcasting companies, to inspect the organizations and to impose sanctions in cases of violation of the provisions, the decisions of RTSC are subject to judicial review.

The control of the contents of broadcasts by the Council is examined in this study. In the control of broadcasts, the direct control, audience based and self control- joint control practices have been considered. Recommendations upon the control systems being applied in Turkey have been made. Also with self-regulation and co-regulation practices, general trend towards more effective and successful applications of the control mechanism through the shared responsibility between supervisory authorities and the independent broadcasters has also determined.

Keywords: Radio and Television Supreme Council, broadcast contents, self control, joint control



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2016- 3rd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 23-25 May 2016- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-7-8