Servet Refik İBİN

Department of Philosophy, Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van, Turkey, servetrefik@hotmail.com


A Priori Analysis of the Concept of Morality and the Rationalized Nature of Reality

Morality is the over determination of judgements bestowed upon us, that is to say that it is the ultimate result of all the actions of man, for man who is an absolute existence can determine his own existence only by creating values. Therefore, man's experience is the manifestation of the principles that are set in line with his objectives. This experience is only made possible by all the acts of man developing personality through a moral reality. However, these acts require the revelation of a priori design absolutely shaped on human nature. The spontaneity of the action constitutes all sense of reality within it. How can morality provide a different explanation of the whole reality of human action which is an absolute existence from our perspective? If our actions revealed our true objectives, this would only give us the limits to which we can perceive the goings-on around us. That's why it is imperative that the reasons for the emergence of morally mandatory actions be conceived thoroughly. The answer to the question of how an absolute moral judgement is produced should provide us with the knowledge of why it exists. Were our actions not realities made possible by the universal existence of the moral judgements of our creation, we wouldn't be able to make a connection between our perceived reality and that of others while expressing how a particular action occurred. Therefore, morality should explain as a result of which actions it is produced and how the reality between different individuals and the reality under compelling circumstances come into being.

Man alone can produce knowledge about the consequences of his own actions as moral judgements indicate - via some concessions in his epistemological perception - how he has made a judgement. If man wishes to discern his own reality, he must bring into question all sorts of knowledge that render his actions possible and the circumstances that define him. This knowledge brings about the tangible sense of morality in terms of ideas embedded in human existence. The ability of the moral judgements bestowed upon us to convert into an action that can be performed without an absolute thought in the context of the existence we produce in accordance with the probability of our conscious is only made possible by the moral competences that our knowledge creates. If the act of knowing doesn't create the concrete conditions of existence in terms of reality, this should only describe why the actions that affect our thoughts come to be. This approach enables man to understand the epistemological origins of morality since only an absolute moral judgement in terms of knowledge can be placed on an ideational basis. The level of knowledge created by our actions indicates how all sorts of existence we humans produce are the results of an epistemological design and it shows a reality formed by the revelation of our objective sensitivity. To put it differently, the level of knowledge expressed by human acts indicates how its own reality is produced rationally. All moral judgements that we can reach with our real actions and apply in our lives accordingly can only provide us with the knowledge of how we come up with justified excuses regarding these actions. For this reason, our actions include realities that correspond to the levels of knowledge made possible by the rational design of our nature.

Keywords: Morality, Knowledge, Action, Rationalization, Existence


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2016- 3rd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 23-25 May 2016- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-7-8