Zahrah Nabila Putri1*, Fadullah Iqsan2*, Syarifah Aini3*

1Ms, Islamic University of Indonesia, INDONESIA,

2 Mr, Islamic University of Indonesia, INDONESIA,

3 Ms, University of Medan Area, INDONESIA,

*Corresponding authors


The current digital era internet users increasing widely and easily. This is evidenced by more people using digital tools such as smartphones and tablet to access any information via the internet. In addition to bringing a good impact in the form of easier communication with anyone and anywhere, but it also appears the various harms are not inevitable, especially for children and young people. Advances in technology have nowadays made it easy for teens to obtain information from the mass media. Information such as this tends to be adolescent sexual problems on pilings and sexual behavior that is not responsible, such as advertising porn and porn movie very much found on the internet. According to RP Borrong (2007), porn movies can influence the attitudes and behavior of adolescents where such attitudes and behavior may occur if there is an encouragement within teenagers to see impressions and imitated things that are contained in the porn movies. This can lead to the mistaken understanding about sex, so teenagers can get caught up in sexual behavior that deviates. The use of a vast pornography among individuals has been found problematic behavior, including addiction, disturbing some functions (Wetterneck, Burgess, short, Smith, & Cervantes, 2012). According to Hilton and Watts (2011), a neurological study of addiction suggests that not only do the chemical changes in the brain that are known to occur at the beginning of an addiction, but the anatomy and pathological changes could also occur, resulting in hypofrontality syndrome. This syndrome included: compulsively, impulsively, and emotional. Impassivity is the root of addiction that can eventually harm if it doesn’t put into the processing of the right frontal lobe. Individuals with a sexual addiction have been known to relieve their sexual impulses by means of the consumption of pornography and may experience a lot of non-physical consequences of sexual addiction through the consumption of pornography (Levine, 2010).

Negative impact caused by addiction to pornography makes the researchers try to find some solutions. Some solutions have been found to overcome these things, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). According to Khofifah, the level of pornography in Indonesia at this time practically the danger with drugs. The number of victims of pornography has reached 45 percent higher than the dangers of drugs. And, the impact is very large damaging future generations. The data show that the survey results from in 2014 shows that Indonesia is in sixth with the largest number of internet users in the world i.e. reaching 83.7 million people. In the year 2017, Indonesia predicted would overtake Japan who was in fifth position. This phenomenon will certainly continue to evolve and become a very serious problem if there are no actions to prevent and overcome it. Therefore, CBT becomes a preventive way for porn addiction.


Keywords: Porn Addiction, Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2