Najmus Saher
Dr., Associate Professor (Education), Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
Hyderabad-500 032 (INDIA) Email:


Creativity and innovation are being increasingly important for the development of 21st century knowledge society. The European Commission (EC-2008c) links creativity and innovation to knowledge and sees them as essential skills to be developed in the context of life-long learning. It is no denying fact that education plays a crucial role in fostering creative and innovative skills.
In the past few years, the emergence of a new wave of technologies has been observed. The rapid development and take up of technology, especially among young people has a significant impact on education, challenging educators and institutions to address the changed learning patterns and needs of the students. Hence, we see that a number of new concept and trends have emerged in the recent past, to name a few are Brain-Based learning, Inquiry-Based learning, differentiated instruction, Flipped Classrooms, Game-Based learning, Maker Education, STEM, Design Thinking (DT), Coding in the classrooms, etc.,

This paper provides an overview of the theoretical foundations for creativity and innovation in the context of education. It also provides the conceptual framework of two emerging technologies, namely, maker space and design thinking. It also aims to explain how these technologies play a key role in fostering a creature learning and innovative teaching environment in schools and are currently offering a variety of opportunities for constructive change.
This paper attempts to answer the following questions:

A brief summary of the paper is as follows:

There are many different ways to define maker space:

Design process is what puts DT into action. It is a structured approach to generating and developing ideas. Creativity is central to the design process. The DT cycle involves observation to discover unmet needs within the context and constraints of a particular situation, framing the opportunities and scope of innovation, generating creative ideas, testing and refining solutions.
The implications and benefits of both these technologies are many and varied. Both can empower students by helping them to shift from being passive consumers of information and products to active creators and innovators.

Keywords: Creativity, Innovation, Constructivism, Knowledge, Maker space, Design Thinking.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2