Elizabeth S. Coleman
Ms., Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey,

It has long been the case that many topics are off limits in the EFL classroom; sexuality remains one of these forbidden areas and it is the author’s contention that this fact is harmful to queer members of an EFL classroom.

Drawing on personal experience and recent small-scale survey results alongside prior investigations the author attempts to examine the impact of heteronormative materials and attitudes in the language classroom. Previous studies, such as those by Cynthia D. Nelson, have explored the inclusion of queer topics and learners in EFL classrooms. Nelson’s research highlights that the neglect of LGBTQ+ students is rooted in the idea that homosexual relations are a private matter, rather than an issue of identity and community. Based on this research and fresh data, the paper sets out to demonstrate how queer students are isolated and the effects of not being able to discuss personal relationships in the classroom. Writing from a queer perspective, the writer hopes to provide a clear insight into the ways in which such erasure impacts non-heteronormative people in the classroom.

The author will not only show that queer people feel unrepresented, but also how the lack of queer inclusivity relates to failures in meeting key needs as outlined in Maslow’s hierarchy. Primarily, it is the writer’s contention that not only are the psychological needs of esteem and belonging unmet, but also that the basic need for safety is not met. Building from this, the author seeks to make recommendations on ways to make classrooms more inclusive and meet the needs of LGBTQ+ students and educators.

Keywords: Queer studies, LGBTQ+ issues, EFL, classroom management, education


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2