Internet of Things as Semiotic Phenomenon

Yury Shaev

Assoc. prof., Pyatigorsk State University, Russia,


“Internet of Things” is a concept of computer network of devices and objects. “Things" can exchange information between themselves and between the environment, regulate their functioning. Moreover, in the framework of the Internet of Things can be implement a digital marking of the world. The trends of the development are so high, that virtual reality extends to many areas of reality and through labelling is trying to include the largest possible number of objects in the universe of information.

This work is related to the semiotic analysis of the concepts and components of the Internet of things. In this context, we can consider the exchange of information between "things" as a kind of message interchanging. As part of this approach we analyse the phenomenon of the digital marking and identification of objects of various natures with special RFID tags. We distinguish and describe the principle of iconicity in the framework of the Internet of things. The semiotic analysis of the technology and the phenomenon of the Internet of things is very relevant in today's society in a situation of erosion of the foundations of social life, increasing attention to the "things" of reality as such, and their peculiarities.

Keywords: Internet of Things, Information technologies, Digital marking, Semiotic, Computer technologies



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2