Svetlana Ermolaeva

Assist. Prof., Ural Federal University, Russia,



Social partnership was officially recognized in Russia since the early 90-ies of the last century. Labor Code defines the social partnership as tripartite relationships between employees, employers and the state. It is a practice of regulation of socio-labor relations in Russia in the trade-union and cross-sectoral form. The aim of the paper is to ground theoretically and practically the necessity of improving social partnership in its inter-sectoral form. The given paper describes the results of the sociological study of social partnership in the field of socio-labor relations, as well as in the sphere of non-profit organizations. Also, it focuses on the need for horizontal relations of subjects of the social partnership. Research of socio-labor relations carried out using structural and functional analysis of the activities of state analysis, synthesis of the main aspects on the problem and municipal government. As the methods of an examination of the non-profit organizations have been used following: the analysis of legal documents, analysis of statistical data, analysis of the websites of the regional authorities, as well sites, covering the issues of social partnership in the field of the non-profit organizations, interviews with representatives of state structures. Methods of the problem theory analysis, literature, integration of Russian, European and American theories were used in the work. The connection of social partnership and social policy of the state is marked in the paper, as well as indicated on the possibility of a perspective possibility of an initiative on the part of any social partner as the subject of social policy.

Keywords: Social partnership, Inter-sectoral cooperation, Trade-unionist option, Social policy, Social dialogue.



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2