Fairuz Nadiah Rozali
S, Ag (Bachelor of Religion), Master Candidate in University of Indonesia, Indonesia,
Sponsored by Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP)
Ministry of Finance – Republic of Indonesia

Allah has created human beings in perfect form not only for physical which can make differentiate between human with another creatures of Allah but also for human soul. That things appropriate with the words of Allah in Qs. Asy-Syams verses 1-10. In that verses Allah swears by all of the creatures, sun, moon, day, night, heaven and earth that Allah has created human being and their soul perfectly and Allah endows their soul with goodness and piety. And whoever purifies his soul that includes those are successful people and whoever defiles his soul, including the losers.
Allah says in the Qur'an letter ash-Sham verse 8 that He perfected human soul and the lucky people who keep it holy. In other words, the lucky people means they are who use their soul to do on the path of piety. However, as human beings we often do not realize the power of the soul that Allah has given perfectly inside human beings and do not believes our mental strength as fixated on physical energy that visible and measurable.
Ali bin Abi Thalib as a companion of Prophet Muhammad saw (people who have lived in the days of the Prophet and saw the Prophet) said that, You think you are small body but, within you exist the entire universe. The sentence describe how much potential human soul if the potential is used maximumly and well. Besides a physical beings, humans are also soulless beings, therefore, we as human must be aware of our potential of soul.
In psychology, the soul is also called psychic. According to Cambridge Dictionary, psychic it mean having a special mental ability and according to Indonesian Big Dictionary, psychic it mean connect with psike (soul). Branch of Psychology that concerned with Spririt or  non material force is Transpersonal Psychology. Transpersonal comes from the word trans is meaning goes beyond and persona which means mask. Etymologically, transpersonal is meaning beyond all human images. Transpersonal psychology is a field of psychology that integrates the concepts, theories, and methods of psychology with spiritual richness of various cultures and religions, Including Islamic concept in psychology.

In Islamic psychology about soul concept, man like Einstein uses only 3% of his power as a human. In fact, all the people on earth already knows about the greatness of Einstein in science. That is because the human body not only has physical energy but also psychic energy. Physical energy is the power of human beings by using organs and that are restricted. Whereas, psychic energy is latent power that exist within human beings and using the power of the soul. When humans use their brains to think it was mean, they were using their physical energy and when humans use his faith to believe something that looks impossible then, they were using their psychic energy.

To unlock the entire human psychic energy, required the union between natural energy and divinity energy and within the human body is already the element both. If our souls are maintained and always lucid and away from immoral then, it is easy for us to use psychic powers and make our bodies stronger.

With this research, through the Islamic psychology concept and views of mainstream psychology approach, will be useful to know how to use and enable human psychic energy  so that human beings are not only optimizes physical but also the psychic power in order to be life optimally and beings who blessed by Allah.

Keywords: Islamic Psychology, Psychic Energy, Transpersonal Psychology


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2