Olga V. Yakhina1*, Tatyana S. Smirnova2, Svetlana Yu. Adonina3
1Tutor of Mari State University, RUSSIA,
2Postgraduate of Mari State University, RUSSIA,
3Postgraduate of Mari State University, RUSSIA,
* Corresponding author

Corruption is a crime and delinquency system affecting the foundations of the state structure. Corrupt practices are known to all without exception states for hundreds of years. Researchers all over the world note the negative impact of corruption on the economy, social sphere, people's confidence in public authorities. But now the public authority in democratic countries has its own levels. Thus, the closest to the population level is the level of local government. But this sphere is not insured from corruption. At the same time, anti-corruption enforcement, because of its global nature (the fight against corruption begins at the international level), concerns the level of the municipality last. The present study is devoted to anti-corruption enforcement at the local level, which is certainly new to science. The purpose of the study is to offer methods of anti-corruption enforcement at the local government level. The work is based on a wide range of methodological principles (objectivism, legality, reliability, validity) and specific methods: technical method, analysis of legislation, researches and law enforcement practice, comparison, forecasting. The feature of the conducted research is an unusual conclusion on the causes of corruption at the local level. The authors proceed from the fact that corruption crimes are committed not only by officials, but also by municipal employees. The activity of the last is regulated by various regulatory legal acts, including administrative provisions of providing municipal services. However, existing legislation does not consider the municipal administrative provisions as acts containing corruptogenic factors (norms), so concerning them carrying out mandatory anti-corruption expert examination is not provided. The municipal employees use administrative provisions of providing municipal services in their activity, they provide their implementation and help applicants to meet their primary needs, local officials are often given a wide extent of discretion, which creates the possibility of corruption violations of the law. The study concluded that the development of a unified, more balanced than the existing procedure of elaborating and approval of administrative provisions of providing municipal services by local governments can prevent corruption among municipal employees.

Keywords: Local governments, anti-corruption enforcement, municipal services, municipal employees, administrative provisions of providing municipal services, anti-corruption expert, examination


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2