Vitalij Ivanov1, Irina Boyarinceva2*, Valentina Sushencova3, Ludmila Timofeeva4, Tatjana Timofeeva5
1Prof. Dr., Mari State University, The Russian Federation,
2Cand., Senior Lecturer, Mari State University, The Russian Federation,
3Cand., Associate Professor, Mari State University, The Russian Federation,
4Cand., Associate Professor, Mari State University, The Russian Federation,
5Cand., Associate Professor, Mari State University, The Russian Federation,
*Corresponding author

The article shows the role and place of the Soviet police in the implementation of state policy in the field of fight with alcoholism in the years 1917-1991. The authors paid particular attention to identifying the peculiarities of this work in the Mari ASSR, one of the national regions of the USSR. It is emphasized the widespread and extensive character of the struggle of soviet militia with alcoholism, which was carried out by the militia together with the society in general and other government bodies in 1917-1991. The article substantiates the importance of the struggle of Soviet militia with alcoholism and improvement of its legislative basis as the most important condition of crime reduction and ensuring public safety in the country. The authors made the critical review of main trends, character of militia struggle with these social vices in different periods of Soviet history. The most effective form of struggle with alcoholism, according to the authors, was the organization of the special raids. They were held everywhere, mainly with the participation of the staff of the Republican Ministry, people's courts, prosecuting authority, freelances, and general public. Obvious successes, mistakes and failures of militia authorities were identified in the article, it was noted the contradictory nature of the results of their activities. Unfortunately, this activity did not give the expected results. The reasons of unsuccessful attempts to sober up the people were not failures and deficiencies in law enforcement, but overstated goals and objectives, their isolation from the realities. The failure of repeated attempts of the authorities to cope with alcoholism is due to a one-sided approach to the solution of this problem, the emphasis on the use of administrative measures, ignore the root causes of alcoholism: poor working conditions and life of the population, total lack of food, goods and services, the lack of cultural and leisure activities, infringement of the rights and freedoms of people. A number of practical recommendations are made in the article on the basis of the conducted analysis.

Keywords: militia, law-enforcement bodies, alcoholism, drunkenness, narcological posts, MLD (medical and labor dispensaries).


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2