Yuriy Bujanov1 and Tatiana Mikheeva2*
1Postgraduate, Mari State University, The Russian Federation, law
2Prof. Dr., Mari State University, The Russian Federation, tnmiheeva
*Corresponding author

The issue raised in the article is urgent in view of the formation of legal framework of public control in the Russian Federation and the adoption of the Federal Law "On the basis of social control in the Russian Federation". The aim of the study is the possibility of legal regulation of the institute of public control by the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Research methodology includes both general scientific and special legal methods. Classic methods of cognition, such as analysis, synthesis, analogy, are used in the research. The initial methods of studying the foundations of public control are systematic-structural and formal-legal methods. This set of methods has allowed analyzing the federal legislation in terms of public control. As a result, the obvious problems in terms of legal regulation at the federal level were identified. In some points, as regards subject composition of public control, for example, it was established the absence of some of the most potentially active groups that can participate in public control measures. It would be possible to resolve these issues by the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation, but federal law does not leave the possibility, for regional legislators in their own regulations, to go beyond the federal regulations. Thus, the scientific novelty of the study was the introduction of proposals to expand the subjects of public control by civil society organizations, the empowerment of the subjects of the Russian Federation in functions for additional legal regulation, and the introduction of other proposals containing elements of novelty. The practical significance of the proposed amendments is that public control as a modem dynamic institution will receive additional legal resources to accelerate its introduction to the public relationship. Thus, civil society institutions will become increasingly important to monitor the activities of government.

Keywords: public control, social control, legal regulation, subjects of public control, forms of public control



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2