Elifas Gonçalves Junior
Prof. Dr., Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil,

The failure of the parent company has psychological, social and economic repercussions for the children of these entrepreneurs. These results are part of the PhD thesis entitled "The Impact of Parent's Failure on Shame and Entrepreneurial Intent for Children". Research has identified that the personality traits of conscientiousness and neuroticism are the major influencers of the shame of parental failure among personality traits. The dimensions of openness, extraversion and agreeableness were not significant. The research is quantitative and cross-sectional. The sample is non-probabilistic and convenience, consisting of literate people from five continents and 33 countries, with a greater predominance of responses from Brazil and Portugal. Data collection on-line was carried out by average social workers, allied to 19 institutions of higher education or 1.2% of the 1606 Universities contacted. Children of failed parents constituted N of 258. The metric used is called the five dimensions of personality - short version. A multiple linear regression was performed to assess the intensity of the five dimensions of personality or SHM - Internal shame. The regression equation found was significant F (5.251) = 8.511, p <0.05, with an R2 of 0.145. The shame is equal to 3,643 - 0,124 (extraversion) + 0.060 (agreeableness) - 0.233 (conscientiousness) + 0.294 (neuroticism) - 0.024 (openness), where shame and the five dimensions of personality (Big Five) are measured on a scale 1 to 5. For each unit of internal shame, the intensity of the personality trait decreases by 0.124 for extraversion, 0.233 for conscientiousness and 0.024 for openness, and increases the intensity for each unit of internal shame by 0.060 units for amability and 0.294 units for neuroticism. Conscientiousness and neuroticism were significant predictors of shame. The results are important to help characterize the children of entrepreneurs who have failed and fill a gap in the literature on entrepreneurship.

Keywords: Shame, Entrepreneurship, Failure, Personality, Big-Five


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2