Natalia V. Bogdanova, Anna. L. Kolyago²*, Alla A. Fokina³,
Galina L. Sokolova4 & Elena L. Yandakova5

1 Senior Lecturer, Mari State University, Russia, natali100879@mail.ru
² Asst. Prof., Mari State University, Russia, kolyago@yandex.ru
³ Senior Lecturer Prof., Mari State University, Russia, allafokina70@mail.ru
4Asst. Prof., Mari State University, Russia, askgalinasokol@mail.ru
5Asst. Prof., Mari State University, Russia, jandar78@mail.ru
*Corresponding author

In the article analysis of the elliptical sentences are carried out in two languages belonging to different systems. In all modern European languages elliptical sentence refers to the group of incomplete sentences in which there isn’t usually the verb-predicate. Such lack is considered as the linguistic norm.

At the same time for understanding of such sentence it is not necessary in any context, in any situation, as completeness of the content is enough expressed with their own lexical and grammatical means of this sentence. In the sentence ellipse acts as a stylistic figure for giving dynamism to saying, intonation to the live speech, artistic expression. The most researchers name the need for economy of linguistic means as the main cause of elliptical sentences in the languages. The aim of the work is to identify ways of differentiation of elliptical sentences from incomplete ones in the German and Mari languages. To achieve the aim, the tasks of disclosure of elliptical sentences’ essence are solved in the analyzed languages; model of the building, differentiation from other types of mononuclear sentence are revealed; the area of functioning is defined in the speech. In the investigation of elliptical sentences, method of synchronous description of the collected material with distributional analysis and the elements of diachronic method are used in the work, the comparative method allows establishing similarities and differences in the analyzed languages. In German, a few models of elliptical sentences exist which are constantly replenished in the modern language. The German elliptical sentence admits the absence of a subject and a predicate in its structure. But in any case, words carry out their functions, to which function of the sentence’s members often is not peculiar. In the Mari language only the loss of the verb-predicate can be in the elliptical sentences and it can belong to mononuclear and two-member sentences. Analysis of theoretical and factual material allows us to conclude that, in spite of the similarities and differences of elliptical sentences in compared languages; the main reason for their use is economy of speech and in some cases the opportunity to attract the attention of the interlocutor and audience, for greater effect.

Keywords: ellipse, German, incomplete sentence, the elliptical sentence, similarities, differences, interference, transfer


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2