Alena Fedorova1*, Himayatullah Khan 2, Maria Menshikova 3
and Ilona Polents 4
1Assoc. Prof. Dr., Ural Federal University, Russian Federation,
2Prof. Dr., University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan,
3PhD, International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Italy,
4Assoc. Prof. Dr., University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic,
*Corresponding author


The modern companies are increasingly using toxic practices of personnel management that create a toxicity of the intra-organizational environment shaping adverse conditions for the employment of the hired workers. The aim of the given research is to monitor the changes taking place in labor relations between employers and employees. It also seeks to identify differences/similarities and to examine the nature of toxic elements existing in labor relations, which are considered by the authors to be the phenomena of social pollution due to business activities of companies. This study examines major changes occurring in labor relations in Italy, Pakistan, and Russia during 2015-16. The survey consists of a number of questions, which the respondents were invited to answer in a set format. The questionnaire includes ordinal-polytomous and dichotomous closed-ended questions with the open-ended options in some of them. Based on the survey results, social pollution factors having a destructive impact on the labor resources’ welfare have been discovered. This is based on the perception of various categories of employees working in discrepant socio-economic conditions taking place in different countries under examination. We have also identified the social pollution factors that influence the formation and sprawl of the precariat as a new social class. In order to understand current trends in labor relations, specialists in the field of HRM need a new level of thinking based on a systematic approach to the totality of the factors of social pollution. Monitoring and deep study of these factors will allow developing new concepts and techniques of welfare management of labor resources in companies and countries.

Keywords: Labour relations, Social pollution, Toxicity at work, Employees’ well-being


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2