Abukaeva Lyubov1, Krasnova Nadezhda2
1Prof. Dr., Mari State University, Russian Federation,
2Assist. Prof. Mari State University, Russian Federation,

The main aim of the article is to analyze Mari taboos related with sacred groves and trees. The authors drew a parallel between other Finno-Ugric people’s taboos. The article deals with spiritual and moral values which are reflected in Mari folklore. Outlook of the Mari is reflected in their relation to the surrounding world - the earth, sky, the sun, the moon, rivers, lakes, springs, forest and its inhabitants - animals, birds, and insects. Following the rules and principles established by the ancestors the Maris believe in preserving harmony with nature, relatives. Mari folk wisdom related with trees and sacred groves was worked out over the centuries, and it appeared from the experience and observation, folded tips, suggestions and restrictions which gradually became life principles and the guidelines that the Maris should abide strictly. The most part of Mari prohibitions, bans and taboos are related with ancient pagan cult concepts. They believed that existence and prosperity depended on worshiped objects and phenomena. The main function of bans and taboos was to respect for the objects of worship. Observance of taboos was to ensure the protection of these forces, security and well-being of the generation, family and relatives, an individual. Being surrounded by nature, drawing analogies between objects and phenomena of the world, ancient people made conclusions, influenced by the rules and laws that determined the range of restrictions and prohibitions. For example, seeing the growth of trees and how trees come to life in the spring and fall into a state of sleep in autumn the Maris concluded that the trees were alive. The Maris believed that trees felt pain as people. Consequently, it was not allowed to cut trees without any special needs. Mari taboos related with sacred trees and groves are inscribed in religious, ethical, aesthetic ideas. They govern the relationship between man and nature, define the hierarchy of relations between the members of the ethnic community and family, have a great educational effect, and define a man's place in the world.

Keywords: the Maris, sacred groves, sacred trees, taboos, bans, folklore wisdom


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2