Deniz Demirarslan
Asst. Prof. Dr., Kocaeli University, Turkey,
*Corresponding author

Pedestrian bridges are constructed in various structures and by using various materials in order to ensure safe passage of pedestrians in various situations such as vehicle traffic, animal traffic and natural formations in or out of the city centres. There are bridge or passage designs allowing passage for autos and pedestrians, bicycles and trains as well as bridges used by pedestrians only. We can observe the construction of pedestrian bridges in various civilizations and eras throughout the history. In 19th century, together with the industrial revolution and the invention of steam train, pedestrian bridges were constructed over the railways and after invention of automobile in 20th century and due to the changes and developments in sea, lake and river vehicles, requirement for bridges around highways, sea transportation routes and railways aroused. These bridges sometimes converted into spaces while being monumental accessories of the cities ensuring the formation of cultural and historical identity in settlements.

In this study, the aim is to handle the bridges, which are urban accessory elements, by a scientific research so as to let it constitute a written source for the other future studies to be made about this issue. Under the scope of the study the historical course related with the design of pedestrian bridges and samples was examined and hen classifications were made according to their area of usage, type of usage, material and structure. Finally the spatial loop of pedestrian bridges and today’s design measures were examined.

Keywords: Pedestrian bridge, footbridge, bridge, design.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2