Dzikri Hijriarahmah
Ms, Islamic University of Indonesia, INDONESIA,
*Corresponding author


On the performance of the nurses need to evaluated their job, because the works of nurses are always in direct contact with the patient condition. If the performance of the nurses is bed then it will greatly affect the services provided such as actions or diagnoses that would be less appropriate. Nurses itself is one of the personnel in the health sector which has some duty to serve patients. There are so many things that need to be considered in the performance of a nurse in the works, that because if the nurse breaks the role on treatment patient it will makes a big impact and influence to the patient condition. The phenomenon is sometimes still received less attention from supervisors of fields that have a responsibility for their own nurses. Therefore, this paper offers the evaluation design use Human Resource Scorecard (HRSc) for nurses who later in the evaluation will prove how well performance the nurses on the job.

Keywords: Nurse, performance, evaluation tools, HRSc, Human Resource Scorecard.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2