Zhyltyrova Zhanar Tekesbaikyzy
Ms., Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Kazakhstan,


The paper is aimed to discuss the notion of model and modeling in training professional foreign language the students majoring in agrarian domain. As the foreign language education has to be focused on the development of communication skills and be directed towards the profession in working out the curriculum of any major. In order to meet the requirements of the society, it is necessary to develop the speaking skills for professional communication in the field of (English for Specific Purposes) ESP training. Therefore the professionally-oriented tasks develop students’ language skills and they are the simplest way of getting learners involved into the future professional process via realizing the modeling of professionally-oriented situations. Analysis and literature review of scholars studying model, its types, features and application in communication were discussed in the paper. Taking into account the approach as being a learning strategy and the general direction in learning a foreign language it should be mentioned in dealing with modeling. So some modeling approaches as system, competence-based and cognitive-communicative were also presented in the work. The paper is dealt with the content of professional foreign language education as well which is considered to be one of the most important components in competence-based approach of educational process. The content of foreign language education is studied in two aspects: subject and processual. The characteristic feature of the subject content is a cognitive-linguocultural complex. The processual aspect consists of communicative tasks, exercises and problems, collection of typical situations, case-studies, creative essays and etc.  Every aspect with a practical example of modeling professional foreign language communication is well described in the paper.

Keywords: modeling, model, foreign language training, professional foreign language communication.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 - 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 6-8 February 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-9-2