Gasparovich Elena1, Tokareva Yulia2, Alexandr Tokarev3

1Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management and Psychology, Ural Federal University named after the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, RUSSIA,  

2Professor of the Chair of Management of Human Resources and Psychology, Ural Federal University named after the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, RUSSIA,

3Master Student, Ural Federal University named after the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, RUSSIA,

*The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract No: 02.A03.21.0006



At the present stage of transformation and merging of social, psychological and economic aspects of personnel management, there is an interest of scientists in the sphere of motivations and needs of specialists-men and women, which is considered to be a factor and a condition of their professional and personal effectiveness. The results of studying gender characteristics become the basis for planning the process of shaping the specialist's career trajectory. They also become a component of the program aimed at enhancing social success. Paying special attention to the motivational aspect of the activity and to the individual qualities of an employee, we consider them to be the most important indicators of professional skills, the formation of positive attitude towards the profession, emotional involvement and interest in the successful development of the organization as a whole. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly realize the substantive aspect of the relationship between the procedural (technological) component and motivation and needs of professional activity. Achievement of high performance indicators in the work results in development and stabilization of professional motivation. All the necessary professional qualities of a person get improved; self-esteem and level of professional aspirations change accordingly.

The research involved 60 participants: 30 men and 30 women belonging to different age groups and having various professional experiences. The study of their trajectory of professional and personal development was carried out on a phased basis with the help of psychological methods. At the stage of combining learning and professional activity, the researchers applied the method of’ Motivation of Studying at Higher Education Institution’ offered by T.I. Ilyina and the method of ‘Studying the Motives of Students' Learning Activities’ by A. A. Rean and V.A. Yakunin. At the stage of professional adaptation, the researchers used the technique ‘Diagnosis of the Motivational Structure of the Personality’ by V.E.Milman and the methodology ‘Diagnosis of the Socio-Psychological Attitudes of the Individual in the Sphere of Motivation and Needs’ by O.F. Potyomkina. The technique ‘Diagnosis of Motivational Structure of the Individual’ offered by V.E. Milman and the questionnaire ‘Career Anchor’ by E. Shane was used at the ‘mastery’ stage.

The undertaken research helped to identify the following gender trajectories: 1) External trajectory aimed at demonstrating social success with a pronounced need and motivation for obtaining approval was found out to be more characteristic of men at the stage of combining instruction and professional activity (78%); the motivation for mastering the profession predominates in men (36% and 82%); 2) External trajectory aimed at obtaining high social status combined with material success prevails among men at the stage of mastery (90%) and in women at the stage of combining training and professional activity (64%); 3) Internal trajectory (which stands for the common motivational profile of the community and the orientation toward self-development) prevails among women at the stage of mastery (73%) and in men at the adaptation stage (52%);the motivation to obtain a diploma is predominant in women; the motivational structure of women is dominated by the indicator ‘communication’; 4) The internal trajectory of professional and personal development and the ‘working motivational profile’ prevail in men at the stage of adaptation (57%), as well as the ‘overall activity’ is higher for men than for women.

So, knowledge of the individual development trajectory allows to create a professional profile of the employee and to work out a career development program aimed at increasing professional motivation and efficiency.

Keywords: trajectory of professional and personal development, professional self-realization, sphere of motivations and needs of the individual, professional effectiveness, professional motivation, professional development.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 9-11 October 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9