Syahrul Alim
Bachelor Degree in Psychology (S.Psi), Master Candidat of Psychomentry
Universitas Gadjah Mada, INDONESIA or


Wearing hijab is an obligation for every Muslim woman who is clearly stated in the Qur'an. Hijab is defined as a wide veil that women use to cover the aurat (head and neck to the chest). The correct use of hijab will bring benefits and virtues to its users, especially in its religious attitudes and behavior. So wearing hijab is a representation of religiosity. Religiosity can be interpreted as the degree of attachment of a person to the religion and gives a positive impact in social life. Religiosity consists of five dimensions, including: dimension of Aqedah/ideological, ritualistic, experiential, knowledge, and practice dimension (Glock, C. Y & Stark, 1965).

The use of hijab in Muslim women is one form of religiosity. Nevertheless, the development of modernity that so strongly strikes society makes the hijab function no longer as the basis of religious obedience but rather to follow the demands of modernity that lead to the behavior of showing off aurat. The hijab gradually abandons its function and only becomes one of the complementary materials in dressing. The use of hijab as above is known by the term slang hijab or hijab that is not in accordance with Islamic law (syar’i). This is evident from the phenomenon of widespread use of slang hijab among female students. The influence of mass media be one of the factors causing the use of hijab has shifted the good value both of its functions moreover the model it offers.

This study discusses about the meaning of religiosity for women users of slang hijab in the UGM Yogyakarta. Data collection using qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Three respondents were interviewed in depth to know the meaning of their religiosity. The results revealed that basically all respondents had a good religious understanding including the obligations of being a Muslim women. However, the understanding of the religion tends to be interpreted in a subjective and flexible way so it is not surprising to give variety of opinions, especially about the obligation to wearing the hijab. In addition, cultural, racial, and climatic differences between Indonesia and Arabs are the reason for the justification of respondents using hijab that are not according to Islamic orders. Finally, the cynical view of the opposite sex also gives a negative impact so that the use of hijab according to religious orders increasingly unimaginable.

Keywords: Religiosity, women, hijab.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 9-11 October 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9