Abigail Gichaba1 and Joshua Manduku2*
1Women Ministries Director, GRVC, Eldoret, Kenya, abigailkerubo@yahoo.com
2Senior Lecturer, Dr., University of Kabianga, Kericho, Kenya, mandukujoshua@gmail.com
*Corresponding Author


The study sought to investigate the factors affecting Polygamous converts in the SDA churches in Eldoret Municipality, UGC in Kenya. The study was concerned with the Biblical understanding of Polygamy. It sought to find out whether or not the practice of Polygamy is contrary to Biblical teachings. The study also sought to find out the effects of Polygamy as they relate to the individual’s perception in reference to the SDA policy and practice. The bearing of the practice of Polygamy on Christianity was also traced and in selected SDA Polygamous converts in Eldoret Municipality, UGC. The study adopted the Social Exchange Theory to underpin the study and a conceptual framework drawn from the variables of the study. The study utilized a descriptive survey research design and employed the qualitative research paradigm so as to explore the issue at hand in the Biblical context. The target population was 2,462 church members, 143 Polygamous converts, 5 pastors and one Executive Director. The sample size of 464 respondents were used comprising 344 church members, 105 Polygamous converts, 9 elders, 5 pastors and one Executive Director. Data from the field was collected through interviews and self-administered questionnaires. The study also made use of simple random on the 344 church members and 105 Polygamous converts as sample respondents. Purposive sampling techniques were used when selecting the sample respondents of the 5 pastors, 9 elders and one Executive Director. This was used in order to minimize bias and to give each member an equal chance of being selected. The data was coded and entered in the computer manually and analysed through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program. Data from the field was analysed and presented descriptively through percentages, tables and figures. The study findings revealed that: 50% of Polygamous converts and church members agreed that the SDA Church should consider baptising Polygamous converts without discriminating them, they should also be allowed to be church members, and choose whether to partake the Holy Communion or not without exclusion. The study also found out that the Bible is silent on Polygamy and hence Polygamous converts should therefore not be discriminated against. The SDA Church should not discriminate against the Polygamous converts, but they should instead, accommodate them and show them the love of Christ. The SDA Church should initiate teachings regularly to its members about the ideal plan of God and Polygamy. This will help those who intend to be Polygamous realize otherwise.

Keywords: Polygamous converts, SDA churches


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2016- 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 10-12 October 2016- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-8-5