Nermin Mahmoud Mohamed Gomaah
Dr., Teacher- Mural Painting Faculty of Arts and Design, Pharos University, Egypt


Architecture influenced by the Ottoman era architectural methods used in Constantinople and art architectural Seljuk, and after opening the Ottoman Levant 922 AH / 1516 AD mixed with the architectural traditions of the Mamluk era with the Ottoman influences religious Valamarh became a campus square Dome mono neck interspersed with windows luminescent cover, it has been used ceramic tiles with Decorative themes plant key element in clothing the interior walls and some interfaces parts, was dominated by blue tones and green have developed porcelain works in Ottoman times dramatically, and the first renewal done by the Ottomans was the use of dark red color in the porcelain, as well as the use of ceramic tiles, a new type so that it is under paint decree white and blue, and so the Ottoman ceramic moved into a new phase, we see in the Suleymaniye mosque and Rustem Pasha mosque in Istanbul and the most beautiful ceramic tiles in the palace of Topkapi Sarayi in Sultan Ahmet mosque (blue mosque), where the walls are covered with ceramic slabs dominated by blue, they took care of the Ottomans decorated the walls of their buildings ceramic slabs which included the decoration on the different types of flowers that builds up to 276 type that culture ottoman and thought that has spread throughout the Ottoman Empire and that Egypt was under this provision starting from 1517 m - 1805 m and then the upper 1805 1952 - Dynasty AD, we find a lot harmonization and differences in terms of the use of ceramic tiles in both Egypt and Turkey in many religious buildings, marked by the trappings of ceramic tiles in this period, the diversity of the decorative designs that adorn one building where the second half of the tenth century period (16 m) and the first half of the century atheist ten AH (17 m) represent a golden age for the production of ceramic tiles Ottoman they are of the nature of a special taste we see in these religious buildings did not care any previous era Beauty walls with large quantities of fine ceramics tiles that we see in every country under the Ottoman era, especially in the newborn for Egypt which won the attention of many religious buildings studies will be for ceramic tiles in some architectural and religious models in Egypt and Turkey during the Ottoman explaining aspects of harmonization and the difference that the nature of the place have a significant impact on the preference of colors from the other in each country and the diversity and multiplicity of different designs and how much ceramic tiles used in the cladding walls that differed in both of them

Research Issue: Under the study of alignment and the difference in the arts and architecture between Egypt and Turkey, many of the mural works that reflect one another and identity environment where emerged and others do not reflect the identity place, this has become a critical study of the surrounding environment of the artist, which should not be in isolation in order to emphasize The nature of the place, everyone everywhere civilized background and the nature distinguishes it from others.

Research Hypothesis: Search aims to consolidate the role of the art of mural painting in the technical wizards in religious buildings

Keywords: Architecture, Porcelain, Ottoman Empire


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2016- 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 10-12 October 2016- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-8-5