Pavla Varvazovska1* and Marie Prasilova2
1Dr., Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic,
2 Asst. Prof. Dr., Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic,
*Corresponding author


Perception of the old age and presence of seniors in the economically developed society have changed as against the past. It is clear that the aging based on the activity of the elderly has positive societal dimension. It is understood that the active aging becomes a required norm. Then it can be assumed that seniors group divides into those who will want or be able to live according to the principles of active aging and then those who are unwilling or unable to adapt. After the successful phase of life during its productive period many aged people are finding themselves at the edge of social environment. Their feeling of isolation, powerlessness and futility frequently manifests itself through disengagement and indifference of the seniors towards social events and towards themselves. Such an aged individual remains living alone and suffering by feelings of insecurity and anxiety. Opposite are those seniors who choose to take age and aging as a new pleasant stage of their life. Among the generally accepted characteristics of seniors fall experience, skills, wisdom, benevolence, sense of humor, insight, ability to see the world around them in depth and in context and to find the meaning of life and death as well.
The paper presented is analyzing the status of seniors in Czech society based on the analysis of significant aspects of their life. The underlying data have been obtained from a questionnaire survey among respondents aged 65+ and have been processed using statistical methods. The final part of the solution is the formulation of proposals and recommendations for improving the quality of life of seniors.

Keywords: Senior, aging, quality of life, discrimination, public events, social exclusion, social services, family, loneliness


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2016- 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 10-12 October 2016- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-8-5