Wagiati1, Dadang Suganda2*, Sugeng Riyanto3*, Reiza Dienaputra4*, Eva Tuckyta S. Sujatna5*, Agus Suryadimulya6*, and Susi Yuliawati7*
1Dr., Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia, wagiati@unpad.ac.id
2Prof. Dr., Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia, dadang_sumri@yahoo.com
3Dr., Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia, sugeng.riyanto@unpad.ac.id
4Dr., Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia, reizaputra@yahoo.com
5Dr., Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia, evatuckyta@yahoo.com
6Dr., Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia, asuryadimulya@yahoo.co.jp
7Dr., Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia, susiyuliawati@gmail.com
*Corresponding authors


The title of this research is "Polymorphemic Construction in the Names of Sundanese Traditional Diseases". The purpose of this study is to describe the types of construction and the meaning of polymorphemic names of diseases in Sundanese. The method used in this research is qualitative, which describe the data as it is and analyze it, both in terms of type of construction and in terms of its meaning. Polymorphemic constructions of the names of diseases in Sundanese are very diverse. Based on the type of construction, the names of these diseases can be either (1) affixes + basic form (of the words), (2) reduplications + basic form, (3) a combination reduplication and affixation + basic form, and (4) of the composition. Affix used in type (1) can be prefixes ka- and nga-, the konfix ka-an, and the suffix -eun. Basic forms with prefix ka-, nga-, and konfix ka-an are generally verbs. The meaning of the construction is in general 'in a state of basic form'. Meanwhile, basic form with suffix -eun is ??generally a noun; and nouns in this group are generally in the form of animals or food. Interestingly, the meaning of disease which is formed by suffix -eun + basic form is 'a disease that physically looks like or resembles an animal that became basic form' or 'sick from eating food that is basic form'. The reduplication that occurs in type (2) generally in the form of reduplication changing the sound (rarang rorong, rucam riceum). Combined affixation and reduplicated on (type 3) generally in the form of reduplication dwilingga + basic form + suffix -an or -eun. The meaning of the construction is 'a disease or condition looks similar to basic form'. The basic form in the construction may include animals, food, or objects. Meanwhile, the construction in the form of compositions (type 4) is generally formed a core element + attributes. Attributes in this construction can be either (a) the animals, (b) plants, (c) objects, (d) people, and (e) of the body, and (f) certain verbs. The meanings of the construction are (1) a disease or condition such as basic form and (2) a disease caused by basic form, and (3) in a state of basic form.

Keywords: Polymorphemic construction, Basic form, Traditional diseases, Meaning.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2016- 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 10-12 October 2016- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-64453-8-5